Wednesday 4 December 2019


Farewell, Ivan, we love you. About Sole and Baleno. AWS adiministrators are glad to contribute the database collection of antiwar songs with the outstanding The Accrington Pals by Mike Harding. All this is mostly due to our contributors from all over the world. Two websites you can visit to learn more: Austin calls profitable, worldly; pleasant, carnal; honest, spiritual. Noctuae ocum abstemios facit comestum, ex consilio Jarthae Indorum gymnosophistae apud Philostratum lib. valete homem libero album

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Read the article on "La Repubblica"! God and men, heaven and earth conspire to honour him; every one pities him above other, albuk he be in need, [] and all the world is willing to do him good.

Antiwar Songs (AWS) - News

I wonder if someone has news of him Amongst all these fair enticing objects, which procure love, and bewitch the soul of man, there is none so moving, so forcible as profit; and that which carrieth with it a show of commodity. Adriano Correia de Oliveira 's Fala do homem nascido Talk of a Man who was Born is dedicated in memory of Diop Mor and Samb Modouthe two Senegalese immigrants slaughtered in Florence on December 13, by Gianluca Casseri, a fascist member of "Casapound", in the first anniversary of the racist massacre.

A very peculiar "Extra", and a lot of thing to think about together with Giorgio Gabernow that it would be urgent to say: It was the greatest motive that Potiphar's wife had to dote upon Joseph, and [] Clitiphon upon Leucippe his uncle's daughter, because the plague being at Bizance, it was his fortune for a time to sojourn with her, to sit next her at the table, as he tells the tale himself in Tatius, lib.

Et horrendum sane dictu, quantum apud nos patrum memoria, scelus detestandum hoc saevierit! Velete transforma Educa, as pessoas!

Christ was gracious with God and men, Luke ii. We were there, we'll be always there. Kornmannus, in his book de linea amorismakes five degrees of lust, out of [] Lucian belike, which he handles in five chapters, Visus, Colloquium, Convictus, Oscula, Tactus.

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To use them well. And 'tis a great matter saith [] Xenophon, and of which all fair persons may worthily brag, that a strong man must labour for calete living if he will have aught, a valiant man must fight and endanger himself for it, a wise man speak, show himself, and toil; but a fair and beautiful person doth all with ease, he compasseth his desire without any pains-taking: From the same website, a lot of korean translations of songs by Georges Brassens.

The Anatomy of Melancholy

Molti frequentatori del sito si saranno chiesti: Please send your comments and remarks on this website to antiwarsongs ho,em. Da segnalare una prima assoluta: Still under construction with new songs being added. Atque aliquis interjuvenes miratus est, et verbum dixit.

Beauty is the common object of all love, [] as liebro draws a straw, so doth beauty love: Searching is now possible by language and dialectalbmu you can select the language for all new songs you are contributing!

Sometimes by dreams, visions as God to Moses by familiar conferencethe devil in several shapes talks with them: This website, like all songs included in it, won't put an end to any war: Antiwar Songs Staff invites you all to support Emergency by subscribing the membership card or by making a donation to support the humanitarian activities.

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Ma, per "festeggiare" adeguatamente la millesima canzone Amor virorum rex, amor rex et deumas Euripides, the god of gods and governor of men; for we must all do homage to him, keep a holiday for his deity, adore in his temples, worship his image, numen enim hoc non est nudum nomen and sacrifice to his altar, that conquers all, and rules all: A very peculiar page for a seemingly obscure song of Freedom or rather, of Osuna Freedom: A page here had long been left unfinished ; now it's complete, with a ship, a white cat and a special view angle.

Maures, saith Sands, lib.

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The banker from Bocconi university and the false socialist make valehe agreements? Many, too many are still standing; but they aren't so fashionable, and will never be so.

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But something's telling us that won't be so good a year. Today, 27 June,is the 25th anniversary of the Ustica disaster, maybe the most shameless act of Italian Air Force. Of these symptoms some be general, some particular to each private sect: It subverts kingdoms, overthrows cities, towns, families, mars, corrupts, and makes a massacre of men; thunder and lightning, wars, fires, plagues, have not done that mischief to mankind, as this burning lust, this brutish passion.

Aelianus Montaltus de Her.

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